Healthy Snacks

Fitfling Energy Bites

Fitfling Energy Bites

How it all started

If you think that Fitfling Energy Bites was created to fulfill the demand for a snack that’s healthy as well as delicious for active teenagers, you got it right but it is just a teaser of the big picture. Let me explain just how much love is involved in the making of Fitfling “Energy Bites” and the vision behind this exciting venture.

Fitfling Energy Bites is not only a product of a mother’s love, it involves a love for health and Fitness, a love for sweet treats, a love for conscious eating habits and making a difference. Lastly it is about self love. I will elaborate a little on all of the above. Have you had the Energy Bites yet, if not please give it a try. With so much love and goodness, I am sure you will be filled with plentiful energy.

Both my boys were soccer players and that made me a soccer mom. They played their best and I made sure I fed them the best. The most essential diet requirement apart from hydration is the energy that needs to be replenished. I was always on the lookout for healthier options and that is when I found out that oats and dates are a great combination of lasting energy and a filling snack on the go. Not only that, an addition of nuts and seeds makes it a super snack that is both delicious and wholesome. Ever Since, these Bites have been a part of our pantry, the best snack for an active teenager and an active mom.

Sweetness is a weakness for many, but how about turning it into a strength. Instead of avoiding them, make them your friends. Fitfling energy bites are made with this in mind, it embraces the natural need for sugar and fulfills it with the right ingredient and in the right proportion.. The basic ingredient – dates help to satisfy the craving of the mind and body, with all the sweetness, minerals and vitamins. Not only that, I added chocolate and peanut butter to make it a guiltfree indulgence. Eating right and being mindful is the key to a healthy lifestyle.

Did you know  that it is very  important that we stay away from empty calories??  It is not rocket science but I want to share my learning on this. I felt a huge difference in my running after I eliminated some of the common  junk food that we all eat. My energy levels felt better and my recovery after running also was faster. All in all, a certificate in nutrition further helped me understand that Food is magic and we need to choose what we eat wisely as it makes a huge difference in how we hold up everyday. Homemade and fresh meals are the key to a robust and healthy living.

Fitfling is a small gesture to share my love for health and fitness with my friends and community. I will try to come up with many more healthy snacks just like Fitfling Energy Bites. Need as much encouragement and support from all of you so I can pursue this commitment as best as possible.

P.S Fitfling Energy Bites are now available in The Patel Brothers, Pineville

Please try it and share your feedback. You can also call us at 7044067693 to order.