


I believe there is truth to the old saying “Eat breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince and dinner like a pauper”. In fact we can find so much wealth of information in all the old sayings but we only learn after we have tried and tested. I somehow was taught to eat my breakfast properly very early in my childhood and it soon became a habit. But after studying nutrition and applying it to myself, I am even more convinced now than before.  Breakfast is indeed the most important meal of the day.

Why should you eat a good breakfast:

1. It is backed by research and science.

2. It helps aid weight loss

3. It boosts your energy for the day ahead

4. It jumpstarts your day on the right note.

5. It keeps you full and satiated, hence reduces binge eating and overeating ( I never used to drink coffee without something to munch on but I have noticed that if I have a balanced and wholesome breakfast, I don’t want anything with the coffee, even for my 4pm coffee)

6. It is aligned with our circadian rhythm.

More so,  when you eat is equally important as to what you eat. So now let’s understand what should be included in an ideal and healthy breakfast.

What should you include in a good breakfast:

1. Fresh home cooked meal

2. Protein and fiber

3. Good fats

4. Whole foods ( unprocessed)

5. Vitamins and minerals

Some good Vegetarian Breakfast options are:

Idli, Dosa, Upma, Pongal((millet), Poha, Oatmeal, Sabudana khichdi, moong chilla, quinoa dosa, millet Dalia( porridge), Mashed/Baked sweet potato, Chena(cottage cheese), vegetable Vermicelli , Baked beans, Steamed Moong and chana (sprouts), whole grain toast, nuts, seeds, fruits and milk/coffee/tea

I make sure I include sprouts, nuts, seeds and fruits everyday apart from one freshly prepared dish from the options above for my breakfast, with a cup of hot coffee. I know that it might not work for everybody as we all are different and have different routines. This is something that worked for me and that is why I am sharing this with everybody. You need to try and see if it works for you before making this a everyday habit. And if it works, make sure you share your experience too. I will be more than happy to help you with many more of my fitness secrets 🙂