running is love

Do you love Running?? Find out

Do you love Running?? Find out

Love is Running, running is love. The effect of love is universal, doesn’t matter if it is a person or a thing. These effects are a kind of validation to figure out if you are really in love. If you have the symptoms mentioned below, you are in love with running( or whatever, whoever makes you feel this way) without doubt..

To understand and agree with this piece of writing, the prerequisite is an experience in either one of these emotions-love and running. If you have both, that’s even better

Following are a few similarities between love and running that I came across when I started to run. It felt like a dejavu with so many relatable feelings and occurrences. The symptoms and stages are so similar, it’s mind boggling. Again, as I said only those who have experienced it(Love and Running)can make sense out of these musings. Do let me know if you feel the same way too…

Here it goes

  • What starts as a normal thing/fling becomes special.
  • Loss of sleep, Dreams about it every night.
  • Taking care of oneself from outside and inside becomes a habit. 
  • This is what is in the mind all the time.
  • Priority changes, friends become distant.
  • Date nights( Long Run)are eagerly awaited.
  • Music becomes the best all time mantra
  • Off days/Rest Days drive you restless, although it actually helps to make you stronger, be it relationship or be it your body.
  • Tossing and turning at night becomes normal
  • Then after some time, commitment phobia creeps in, choices are reconsidered.
  • Only the committed, true lovers sail through till the end. 
  • Pain and endurance become enjoyable. 
  • Now strength and stamina/ responsibility and patience becomes natural.
  • You now learn to Trust the Process and keep going/ evolve in love and stay committed

There might be many more of such similarities, what do you think?? Which stage( of Love /Running) are you in right now?? I am still in the commitment Phobia phase, keeping myself motivated as much as I can. Would love to be a runner and a lover for life.