
Do we need a trainer??

Do we need a trainer??

We all exercise for different reasons. Some love it, some of us have no choice. For me it’s neither. I workout because I like to feel the rush of energy and upsurge of happiness all through my body. It just makes me alive. I’ve come to a realization that it’s not that difficult to get that glow. 30 minutes, only 30 minutes of movement can refresh and renew us. And the same movement when done with a professional trainer makes it all the more effective and powerful. Exactly, a qualified trainer can make a huge difference in many ways.

Mentioned below are some of the instances where I felt the importance of having a good trainer.

Effective and Power packed session

Starting with effective and powerful sessions, where in you are always guided to the right form and posture of every exercise, which in turn will help us achieve our required output very easily and without injury. This is what comes with a good trainer. No matter what, our body tends to get to the comfort zone very soon. It is the trainer who can watch us and follow the cues of our body.

Consistent workouts

The second factor will have to be consistency which is very important but often overlooked when we are on our own. Specially if we don’t happen to be a self motivated person (like me :))

Tips and Tricks

A trainer makes sure we are not getting lousy and ensures that we keep up the momentum. They come with a package of tips and tricks up their sleeves to keep you active and focused. Many a times my trainer made the weight seem less to make sure I did the reps.

Knowledge and Experience

As we settle down with our exercise routine, our body sarts behaving and trying to fit in the new zone. All of a sudden we feel a high surge of energy, also many a times we are drawn back due to an injury or so. The information and the support system of the trainer comes in handy here. The thorough knowledge and experience helps in busting out all the myths and beliefs for good. If not for my trainer I would have stopped my training just in two weeks, when I got a pain in my left hip. Actually it was just stiffness causing the pain due to the sudden movements. The trainer heals not only your body but also the mind that is the originator of random thougts and apprehensions.

Structure and Routine

It’s very natural for boredom to set in after some time.The trainer makes every session interesting and intriguing. The structure they set up is what makes the work outs more challenging and brings out the needed result. The trainer knows when to stop and when we can continue with our training as he has a good grasp of our body and mind. Sometimes may be your body will refuse to continue but it’s only the trainer who makes you cross that line,guides and encourages us to never give up.

Stretch and Relax

The most essential and looked upon activity….the stretching becomes the best part of the session. When the trainer eases off the tension and relieves the stress, relaxes every muscle, every penny spent on the trainer seems worthwhile now. It literally feels like you are set free with a new refreshed body and a clear mind.

All the above points are out of my personal experience. And most of them apply likewise for a mentor, guru, coach and teacher. They are the ones who give us direction and bring out the best out in us. This is a small appreciation for their amazing contribution in each one of our lives.
